Earn inviting new landlords to join Zappyrent
Join the Referral Program by Zappyrent, share your link with landlords interested to rent their properties.
Earn 20€ for every published property and other 500€ if the listed property will be rented with Zappyrent.
We rent in many major cities in Italy already and we are expanding further. Thanks to your referrals we will make rentals safer throughout Italy faster.

Earning with Zappyrent is safe and easy!
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I want to know more
Have no doubts by reading our FAQs
- If you see your referral "On hold" it means that the landlord you indicated is not responding to us and therefore we are unable to accept or reject your referral.
We recommend you to contact the landlord and invite them to answer our calls or emails.
Remember that Zappyrent makes renting not only quick and easy but also safe for the landlord. Indeed, with Zappyrent Protection we pay the rent to the landlord even in the tenant delays or doesn’t pay at all. - A referral can be rejected for three reasons:
- The landlord invited by you is already registered with Zappyrent.
- The landlord invited by you does not have a property to rent or the property is in an area not yet covered by Zappyrent.
- The landlord invited by you is not interested in renting on Zappyrent.
- The payment of the 20€ reward is processed by the 15th of the next month the status of your referral becomes "Published". We process the payment via bank transfer to your bank account and credit times may vary depending on your bank.
If you do not receive the reward by the 21st of the next month, write us an email at referral@zappyrent.com. - The payment of the 500€ reward is processed by the 15th of the next month the status of your referral becomes "Rented". We process the payment via bank transfer to your bank account and credit times may vary depending on your bank.
If you do not receive the reward by the 21st of the next month, write us an email at referral@zappyrent.com. - A referral in status "Accepted" indicates that we were able to contact the landlord invited by you and we have verified that the property they own is available for rent and is in the area covered by Zappyrent.
What’s left is to convince the landlord to publish their property on Zappyrent and rent it with us. At this stage, we recommend you to contact the landlord and convince them to rent with Zappyrent so you can earn the 20€ reward upon the property publication. - We process the payment via bank transfer to your bank account and credit times may vary depending on your bank. For this reason it is important that you fill in your IBAN and Address in your personal profile.
Important: Transfers will not be processed until your profile is completed with the requested data. Always check that the IBAN you entered is correct and that you are the account holder.
If you do not receive the reward by the 21st of the next month, write us an email at referral@zappyrent.com. - As per the Terms and Conditions of the Zappyrent Referral Program, in the event that a landlord invited by you decides to publish more properties on Zappyrent you will receive the referral reward only for the first property.
- You can always check the status of your referrals in the “My referrals” section in your Referral Panel. Find below all the referral statuses:
- New: each of your referrals begins with the status set to “New” until we check the landlord's willingness to rent their property on Zappyrent.
- On hold:: we are unable to get in touch with the owner to check the availability of the property to rent on Zappyrent.
- Accepted: your referral's property is located in the area covered by Zappyrent and it is available for rent. All that remains is to convince the landlord to publish it on Zappyrent.
- Rejected: the landlord is already a Zappyrent customer or the property is outside the area covered by Zappyrent. The landlord declares that they have no properties to rent.
- Published: the property has been published. Receive the 20€ reward on your bank account.
- Rented: the property has been rented. Receive the 500€ reward on your bank account.
- No, you do not receive any rewards if you invite your friends to make referrals with you but you can help them earn 20€ for each published referral and another 500€ for each rented referral.
- The Referral Program does not have any costs for the Referrer. However, the program is subject to a taxation of 20%, applied on the gross amount.
You will receive a receipt with the gross amounts (25€ for the ad listing and 625€ for the property rental), the net amount (20€ and 500€, respectively) and the tax paid (5€ and 125€, respectively)